Ladar range rate estimation using pulse frequency shift

J Marron, L Zellinger, AM Newman… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and method for forming a range rate estimate for a target with a
laser detection and ranging system including a laser transmitter and an array detector. The …

Ladar range estimate with range rate compensation

L Zellinger, VM Kaganovich, E Marcus - US Patent 10,620,315, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and method for forming a range estimate for a target with a laser
detection and ranging system. The system includes a laser transmitter and an array detector …

Motion compensation for dynamic imaging

E Marcus, VM Kaganovich - US Patent 10,371,818, 2019 - Google Patents
A system and method for forming an image of a target with a laser detection and ranging
system. The system includes a laser transmitter and an array detector. The method includes …

Augmentation de la résolution latérale d'imageurs laser 3D par compressive sensing

V Erwan - 2023 -
L'observation active à longue distance au-delà de 10 km à partir de systèmes embarqués
infrarouges à 1550 nm est bénéfique dans de nombreuses applications. Les capteurs …

Coincidence processing Geiger-mode lidar using dynamic lattices

CA Sturm - Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXIX, 2024 -
The key insight of this paper is that rigid lattices used in many coincidence processing
algorithms for Geiger-mode lidar data, due to the varied scattering properties of materials in …