In both classical and quantum many-body physics, it is a core issue to characterize statistical correlations among different degrees of freedom. From this point of view, a natural question …
The many-body physics at quantum phase transitions shows a subtle interplay between quantum and thermal fluctuations, emerging in the low-temperature limit. In this review, we …
We demonstrate how quantum entanglement can be directly witnessed in the quasi-1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet KCuF 3. We apply three entanglement witnesses—one tangle …
Bell's inequalities are described by the sums of correlations including non-commuting observables in each of two systems. Bell's inequalities violation is possible since the …
We report an experimental investigation of quantum correlations in a two-qutrit spin system in a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond at room temperatures. Quantum …
We address the effective generation of thermal non-classical correlations in two two-level atoms when exposed to a Fock-state cavity incorporated with classical decoherence effects …
Recent experimental observation of weak ergodicity breaking in Rydberg atom quantum simulators has sparked interest in quantum many-body scars—eigenstates which evade …
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms have been proposed as a potentially viable application of quantum computers. A particular example—the variational quantum eigensolver, or VQE …
We investigate heat engines whose working substance is made of two coupled qubits performing a generalized Otto cycle by varying their applied magnetic field or their …