This thesis will illuminate and add to a deeper understanding of the pervasive and suffocating nature of oppression experienced by people racialised as Black in the Liverpool …
La Passio sancti Venceslavi martyris de Gumpold, encargada por Otón II al obispo de Mantua, construye la imagen de Wenceslao como un gobernante que reunía virtudes …
In the 6th century, Syrmia was part of the Byzantine province of Pannonia. During that time, Byzantine rule was challenged by Ostrogoths and Gepids. In 567, Byzantine rule was fully …
While the study of hagiography has become more popular recently, few historians have explored why saints would be depicted killing Christians. Most representations of the saints …
Scholarly surveys of the medieval Magdalene tend to conclude at the opening of the sixteenth century, dismissing any role she may have had in the teaching of Protestant …
La cristianización de Bohemia se caracterizó por un lento avance de la fe cristiana a partir de los círculos aristocráticos y fue impulsada en gran medida por algunos miembros de la …
Monsieur le professeur, cher collègue, Au nom du Comité international des sciences historiques, j'ai le plaisir et l'honneur de vous adresser ce bref discours par lequel, en plus …
The phenomena linked to saint Anthony of Padua has been the subject of many studies over the years. However, just a restricted number of studies has tried to go back to the roots of …
For more than fifty years, the Meditationes Vitae Christi (MVC) and the most famous of its illustrated manuscripts (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Ms. ital. 115) have been employed by …