En una sociedad dinámica y cada vez más globalizada, los contextos educativos han de adaptarse a estas situaciones cambiantes. En este sentido se enmarca la ecopedagogía …
Ecological intelligence (EI) refers to systemic thinking, ecophilosophy, holistic perspective, collective lifestyle and cultural commons. It is difficult to determine the exact nature of EI and …
OB Emel - International Electronic Journal of Environmental …, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
Environmental attitude covers a person's behavioural aims, impacts, and believings which is acquired from environmental subjects or activites. It is also mentioned that environmental …
D Adela, D Permana - … BELAINDIKA (Pembelajaran Dan …, 2020 - belaindika.nusaputra.ac.id
Penelitian ini didasarkan atas pentingnya penanaman sikap dalam pembelajaran IPS di sekolah dasar yang menjadi salah satu tujuan IPS yaitu mengembangkan sikap siswa …
E Okur-Berberoglu - The Journal of Sustainability Education, 2020 - susted.com
Ecoliteracy can be defined as an understanding of natural systems and connections between biotic and abiotic factors within sustainable future. Green consumerism is an …
D Adela, S Sukarno, M Indriayu - International Conference on …, 2018 - atlantis-press.com
This research is a descriptive and explorative research that aims to find out how the integration of environmental education in Adiwiyata recipient schools in growing the …
Outdoor education is mostly mentioned in terms of environmental education. The aim of this research is to determine the short term effectiveness of an outdoor environmental education …
EK Memiş, S Seven - International Journal of Progressive …, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of guided, inquiry-based laboratory activities using the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach and self-evaluation on …
The issue of environmental damage is a serious problem that must be resolved immediately and must be considered from a small scope but has a large influence, as in the field of …