Independently performing activities of daily living (ADLs) is vital for maintaining one's quality of life. Losing this ability can significantly impact an individual's overall health status …
A Giordano, T Cole - Transactions in GIS, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In this article we reflect back on our decade‐long collaboration on the geographies of the Holocaust to argue for a GIS of place. Our previous work on ghettoization in Budapest and …
E Struffolino - Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper contributes to the debate on early-career precariousness and inequalities against the backdrop of labour market deregulation. The analyses focus on a cohort of …
P Tammes - European Journal of Population, 2017 - Springer
This study determined the victimisation rate among Amsterdam Jews and socio- demographic differences in surviving the Holocaust. After linking a registration list of over …
P Mercklé, C Zalc - Annales. Histoire, sciences sociales, 2018 -
L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un examen détaillé des apports et des limites de la modélisation en histoire à partir du cas de la Shoah. Il s' appuie sur une enquête qui a …
A Machut - Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de …, 2024 -
This article argues in favour of combining statistical sequence analysis with the study of biographical narratives to identify the underlying social structures in the unfolding of …
“In Denaturalized, Claire Zalc combines the precision of the scholar with the passion of a storyteller... This is a deftly written book. Zalc combines in an accessible style (smoothly …
Sequence analysis (SA) was introduced in the social sciences in the 1980s: Andrew Abbott, inspired by the treatment of DNA strings in biology, developed it as a technique to study …
Ce texte revient sur les effets produits par la disparition des témoins sur l'historiographie de la Shoah. Il interroge la spécificité du «tournant testimonial» en le situant au carrefour de …