A review of supply chain transparency research: Antecedents, technologies, types, and outcomes

M Budler, BF Quiroga, P Trkman - Journal of Business Logistics, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The growing popularity of “Supply Chain Transparency”(SCT) as an idea has motivated its
use as a “buzzword,” leading to a lack of terminological clarity. Terms like visibility …

Platform design when sellers use pricing algorithms

JP Johnson, A Rhodes, M Wildenbeest - Econometrica, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
We investigate the ability of a platform to design its marketplace to promote competition,
improve consumer surplus, and increase its own payoff. We consider demand‐steering rules …

Plus factors and agreement in antitrust law

WE Kovacic, RC Marshall, LM Marx, HL White - Mich. L. Rev., 2011 - HeinOnline
Competition law treats agreements among rival firms to set the terms on which they trade as
extremely serious offenses. 1 Most of the world's approximately 120 systems of competition …

Measuring regional quality of government: the public spending quality index based on government contracting data

M Fazekas, Á Czibik - Regional Studies, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Government contracting is crucial for defining the quality of government and public services
because it amounts to about 29% of government spending. However, regional quality of …

Systemic corruption and public procurement in developing countries: are there any solutions?

S Williams-Elegbe - Journal of Public Procurement, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose Corruption affects development and quality of life of citizens in affected countries.
The increase in anti-corruption measures globally reflects a consensus that corruption is …

Impuesto a la Renta en la Economía Digital¿ cual es la situación del Ecuador

JP Jara - Iuris Dictio, 2020 - scielo.senescyt.gob.ec
Impuesto a la renta en la economía digital. ¿Cuál es la situación del Ecuador? Page 1 105
DOS S IER Impuesto a la renta en la economía digital. ¿Cuál es la situación del Ecuador …

The vulnerability of auctions to bidder collusion

RC Marshall, LM Marx - The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Previous work has addressed the relative vulnerability of different auction schemes to
collusive bidding. The common wisdom is that ascending-bid and second-price auctions are …

Public procurement and competition: some challenges arising from recent developments in EU public procurement law

AS Graells - Research Handbook on EU Public Procurement Law, 2016 - elgaronline.com
This chapter explores the recent OECD push for more competition in public procurement
and its role as an influential factor in the 2014 reform of EU public procurement rules. It goes …

Carbon allowance auction design: an assessment of options for the United States

G Lopomo, LM Marx, D McAdams… - … Economics and Policy, 2011 - journals.uchicago.edu
Carbon allowance auctions are a component of existing and proposed regional cap-and-
trade programs in the United States and are also included in recent proposed bills in the US …

Corruption Manual for Beginners:'Corruption Techniques' in Public Procurement with Examples from Hungary

M Fazekas, IJ Tóth, LP King - … Working Paper No. CRCB-WP/2013, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper develops 30 novel quantitative indicators of grand corruption that operationalize
20 distinct techniques of corruption in the context of public procurement. Each indicator rests …