Oxygen-and capacity-limited thermal tolerance: bridging ecology and physiology

HO Pörtner, C Bock, FC Mark - Journal of Experimental …, 2017 - journals.biologists.com
Observations of climate impacts on ecosystems highlight the need for an understanding of
organismal thermal ranges and their implications at the ecosystem level. Where changes in …

[HTML][HTML] Does oxygen limit thermal tolerance in arthropods? A critical review of current evidence

WCEP Verberk, J Overgaard, R Ern, M Bayley… - … and Physiology Part A …, 2016 - Elsevier
Over the last decade, numerous studies have investigated the role of oxygen in setting
thermal tolerance in aquatic animals, and there has been particular focus on arthropods …

Energy homeostasis as an integrative tool for assessing limits of environmental stress tolerance in aquatic invertebrates

IM Sokolova, M Frederich, R Bagwe, G Lannig… - Marine environmental …, 2012 - Elsevier
Energy balance is a fundamental requirement of stress adaptation and tolerance. We
explore the links between metabolism, energy balance and stress tolerance using aquatic …

Ocean systems

HO Pörtner, DM Karl, PW Boyd, W Cheung… - Climate change 2014 …, 2014 - epic.awi.de
Ocean ecosystems have responded and will continue to respond to climate changes of
different rates, magnitudes, and durations (virtually certain). Human societies depend on …

Impacts of ocean acidification on marine shelled molluscs

F Gazeau, LM Parker, S Comeau, JP Gattuso… - Marine biology, 2013 - Springer
Over the next century, elevated quantities of atmospheric CO 2 are expected to penetrate
into the oceans, causing a reduction in pH (− 0.3/− 0.4 pH unit in the surface ocean) and in …

Oxygen-and capacity-limitation of thermal tolerance: a matrix for integrating climate-related stressor effects in marine ecosystems

HO Pörtner - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2010 - journals.biologists.com
The concept of oxygen-and capacity-dependent thermal tolerance in aquatic ectotherms has
successfully explained climate-induced effects of rising temperatures on species abundance …

The challenge of novel abiotic conditions for species undergoing climate‐induced range shifts

AR Spence, MW Tingley - Ecography, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Coincident with recent global warming, species have shifted their geographic distributions to
cooler environments, generally by moving along thermal axes to higher latitudes, higher …

Sensitivities of extant animal taxa to ocean acidification

AC Wittmann, HO Pörtner - Nature climate change, 2013 - nature.com
Anthropogenic CO2 emitted to the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans, causing a
progressive increase in ocean inorganic carbon concentrations and resulting in decreased …

Integrating climate-related stressor effects on marine organisms: unifying principles linking molecule to ecosystem-level changes

HO Pörtner - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2012 - int-res.com
Climate change effects on marine ecosystems involve various stressors, predominantly
temperature, hypoxia and CO 2, all of which may combine with further anthropogenic …

Physiological and ecological responses of crustaceans to ocean acidification

NM Whiteley - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2011 - int-res.com
The sensitivity of marine crustaceans to ocean acidification is poorly understood, but can be
assessed by combining data from physiological and ecological studies. The species most at …