What is individual quality? An evolutionary perspective

AJ Wilson, DH Nussey - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2010 - cell.com
In studies of population ecology, demography and life history evolution, among-individual
differences in traits associated with survival and reproduction are often attributed to variation …

Estimation of demographic parameters from live‐encounter data: a summary review

BK Sandercock - The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Estimation of demographic parameters is central to research questions in wildlife
management, conservation, and evolutionary ecology. I review the 7 major classes of mark …

Individual covariation in life-history traits: seeing the trees despite the forest

E Cam, WA Link, EG Cooch, JY Monnat… - The American …, 2002 - journals.uchicago.edu
We investigated the influence of age on survival and breeding rates in a long-lived species
Rissa tridactyla using models with individual random effects permitting variation and …

Benefits and costs of increased levels of corticosterone in seabird chicks

AS Kitaysky, EV Kitaiskaia, JF Piatt, JC Wingfield - Hormones and behavior, 2003 - Elsevier
Seabird chicks respond to food shortages by increasing corticosterone (cort) secretion,
which is probably associated with fitness benefits and costs. To examine this, we …

The logic of skipped spawning in fish

C Jørgensen, B Ernande, Ø Fiksen… - Canadian Journal of …, 2006 - cdnsciencepub.com
That sexually mature fish skip reproduction, especially in response to poor condition, has
been documented in many species. We present results from an energy-allocation life history …

Reproductive senescence in a long-lived seabird: rates of decline in late-life performance are associated with varying costs of early reproduction

TE Reed, LEB Kruuk, S Wanless… - The American …, 2008 - journals.uchicago.edu
Evolutionary theories of senescence predict that rates of decline in performance parameters
should be shaped by early-life trade-offs between reproduction and somatic maintenance …

Individual heterogeneity and capture–recapture models: what, why and how?

O Gimenez, E Cam, JM Gaillard - Oikos, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Variation between and within individuals in life history traits is ubiquitous in natural
populations. When affecting fitness‐related traits such as survival or reproduction, individual …

Age-specific reproductive performance in red-billed choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax: patterns and processes in a natural population

JM Reid, EM Bignal, S Bignal, DI McCracken… - Journal of Animal …, 2003 - JSTOR
1. Using data from a 20-year study of individually marked red-billed choughs, we examine
how reproductive performance varies with age in male and female breeders, and investigate …

A mechanistic link between chick diet and decline in seabirds?

AS Kitaysky, EV Kitaiskaia, JF Piatt… - Proceedings of the …, 2006 - royalsocietypublishing.org
A climatic regime shift during the mid-1970s in the North Pacific resulted in decreased
availability of lipid-rich fish to seabirds and was followed by a dramatic decline in number of …

Individual quality, early‐life conditions, and reproductive success in contrasted populations of large herbivores

S Hamel, JM Gaillard, M Festa-Bianchet, SD Côté - Ecology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Variations among individuals in phenotypic quality and fitness often confound analyses of
life‐history strategies assessed at the population level. We used detailed long‐term data …