Enterprise knowledge management

DE O'Leary - Computer, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Many enterprises downsize to adapt to more competitive environments, but unless they have
captured the knowledge of their employees, downsizing can result in a loss of critical …

Guest editor's introduction: Knowledge-management systems-converting and connecting

DE O'Leary - IEEE Intelligent systems, 1998 - computer.org
KNOWLEDGE-MANAGEMENT spending is expected to rise from $410 million in 1994 to
over $4.5 billion in 1999. 1 Similarly, 42% of the Fortune 1000 have appointed a CKO …

The role of AI-based technology in support of the knowledge management value activity cycle

A Fowler - The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2000 - Elsevier
The paper evaluates the phenomenon of knowledge management (KM) and its relationship
to the artificial intelligence (AI) technologies of knowledge-based systems, case-based …

TimeSpace: activity-based temporal visualisation of personal information spaces

A Krishnan, S Jones - Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2005 - Springer
Users' personal information spaces are characterized by their content, organisation, and
ongoing user interaction with them. They are fluid entities, evolving over time, and …

Technologies for knowledge assimilation

DE O'Leary - Handbook on Knowledge Management: Knowledge …, 2003 - Springer
Assimilation is a critical issue for knowledge management. Knowledge may be gathered,
created or converted, but if it is not assimilated, the organization will not be able to take …

Do smarter systems make for smarter organizations?

PHJ Hendriks - Decision Support Systems, 1999 - Elsevier
This article explores the role of knowledge-based systems (KBS) in knowledge management
(KM). KM is considered an umbrella term, incorporating various issues related to the value of …

[PDF][PDF] Tudásmenedzsmentet támogató tényezők szerepe szoftverfejlesztő szervezetekben

P Fehér - 2004 - phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu
A tudásmenedzsment területe az 1990-es évek közepétıl egyre növekvı népszerőségnek
örvend, mind a kutatók, mind az alkalmazók körében. A kezdeti tudásmenedzsment …

Developing a knowledge management technology: an encompassing view on KnowMore, Know-Net, and Enrich

A Abecker, A Bernardi, M Sintek - Proceedings. IEEE 8th …, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The article sketches three ongoing projects (KnowMore, ENRICH, and Know-Net) currently
running in the Knowledge Management Group of DFKI, investigating requirements and …

[PDF][PDF] Knowledge sharing in inter-organisational collaborations

R Van Der Meer - 2014 - dro.deakin.edu.au
The modern organisation faces an increasingly complex and diverse range of challenges
that often cannot be resolved in-house, such as rapidly changing competitive markets, new …

IT tools for knowledge storage and retrieval in globally distributed complex software and systems development of high-tech organizations

N Samoilenko, N Nahar - … 13: Technology Management in the IT …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
After identification or creation of knowledge it is codified and stored in the corporate
database or knowledge-based systems for retrieval and application or reuse by globally …