[图书][B] Scenarii privind evoluţiile comunitare în domeniul competitivităţii, politicii de coeziune şi politicii de dezvoltare regională

Institutul European din România, A Bal, M Luţaş… - 2008 - ier.gov.ro
Ana Bal, coordonatorul studiului, este profesor la Academia de Studii Economice din
Bucureşti, la catedra de Relaţii Economice Internaţionale, titular al mai multor cursuri, la …

[PDF][PDF] European „c” quest: community, competitiveness, convergence, cohesion. what should the “eu new comer romanians” aim for?

J Octavian-Dragomir, T Mihai-Vladimir… - Annals of Faculty of …, 2008 - academia.edu
The analyses carried out both at the centre (Brussels) and at the destination (member
states)(ab) use of the principle that in public expenditure terms “spent money means well …

[PDF][PDF] Scenarios regarding community developments in the field of competitiveness, cohesion and regional policy

A Bal, M Luţas, OD Jora, MV Topan - 2007 - econstor.eu
The European Union, considered as unity in diversity represents, in spite of its name of a
„union” a complex socio-economic and political entity in which existing disparities between …

[PDF][PDF] Study no.

A BAL, M LUŢAŞ, O JORA, V TOPAN - 2007 - econstor.eu
The European Union, considered as unity in diversity represents, in spite of its name of a
„union” a complex socio-economic and political entity in which existing disparities between …

[引用][C] Macroeconomic aspects of anti-crisis structural policy