Practical challenges in simulating quantum systems on classical computers have been widely recognized in the quantum physics and quantum chemistry communities over the …
Computational models are an essential tool for the design, characterization, and discovery of novel materials. Computationally hard tasks in materials science stretch the limits of …
The accurate computation of Hamiltonian ground, excited and thermal states on quantum computers stands to impact many problems in the physical and computer sciences, from …
The power of quantum computing technologies is based on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, such as quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, or the no-cloning …
An n-qubit quantum circuit performs a unitary operation on an exponentially large, 2 n- dimensional, Hilbert space, which is a major source of quantum speed-ups. We develop a …
Fuelled by increasing computer power and algorithmic advances, machine learning techniques have become powerful tools for finding patterns in data. Quantum systems …
We present the problem of approximating the time-evolution operator $ e^{-i\hat {H} t} $ to error $\epsilon $, where the Hamiltonian $\hat {H}=(\langle G|\otimes\hat {\mathcal {I}})\hat …
Recently, increased computational power and data availability, as well as algorithmic advances, have led machine learning (ML) techniques to impressive results in regression …
This work presents a quantum algorithm for the Monte Carlo pricing of financial derivatives. We show how the relevant probability distributions can be prepared in quantum …