Perception of occupational and environmental risks and hazards among mineworkers: A psychometric paradigm approach

M Alrawad, A Lutfi, S Alyatama, IA Elshaer… - International journal of …, 2022 -
This study aims to assess workers' perception of occupational and environmental risks and
hazards using the psychometric paradigm. For this purpose, data were collected using …

Comparative risk: Dread and unknown characteristics of the COVID‐19 pandemic versus COVID‐19 vaccines

JCS Wong, JZ Yang - Risk Analysis, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This research characterizes risk perceptions of the COVID‐19 pandemic and the COVID‐19
vaccines based on the dread and unknown dimensions of the psychometric paradigm. We …

Environmental disparities in urban Mexico: Evidence from toxic water pollution

L Chakraborti, JP Shimshack - Resource and Energy Economics, 2022 - Elsevier
All else equal, disparities in environmental exposure are associated with disparities in
health and economic well-being. Here, we combine 9 years of data on toxic water pollution …

Social perception of geo-hydrological risk in the context of urban disaster risk reduction: A comparison between experts and population in an area of Southern Italy

L Antronico, R Coscarelli, F De Pascale, F Condino - Sustainability, 2019 -
The perception of risk is influenced by how the signals about impacts of events are collected,
selected, and interpreted. Empirical data suggest that significant differences in the …

[PDF][PDF] La justicia ambiental en el Río Sonora

MFI Barreras, JLM Vázquez - RevIISE-Revista de Ciencias Sociales y …, 2017 -
Este artículo contiene un recuento de los acontecimientos principales ocurridos en torno al
derrame de lixiviados de cobre en un río en el estado de Sonora, México, procedente de un …

Percepción de los agricultores sobre el riesgo por el uso de agua residual para riego en la zona de Atlixco, Puebla

V Téllez Pérez, I Ocampo Fletes… - Acta …, 2023 -
El objetivo fue conocer la percepción de los agricultores sobre el riesgo de utilizar agua
residual en actividades agrícolas en la zona alta de Atlixco, Puebla. Se aplicó una encuesta …

Who worries about microplastics? The relative importance of personal values and individual risk judgements/¿ A quién le preocupan los microplásticos? La …

M Felipe-Rodriguez, G Böhm, R Doran - PsyEcology, 2024 -
Con el fin de investigar los factores asociados al grado de preocupación de las personas
acerca de los microplásticos, se distribuyó una encuesta online a una muestra nacional del …

Dread and unknown characteristics of particulate matter pollution: cognitive and affective routes to air pollution prevention

SJ Hong, Y Kim - Journal of Risk Research, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigates the effect of dread and unknown risks on individuals' cognitive and
affective responses and decision-making related to particulate matter (PM) air pollution. In …

Beliefs, perceived risk, obstacles and intention to act. An explanatory model for mitigation and coping behaviours regarding climate change (Creencias, percepción de …

LF Barrera-Hernández, V Corral-Verdugo… - …, 2021 -
Las conductas de mitigación ante el cambio climático constituyen acciones que detienen o
reducen la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, mientras que las respuestas …

Computed tomography assessment of soil and sediment porosity modifications from exposure to an acid copper sulfate solution

FRA Ziegler-Rivera, B Prado… - Journal of South …, 2021 - Elsevier
Mine spills, like acidified copper sulfate solutions, are known for the contaminating effects in
soils and sediments, chemically altering them. However, little is known about the physical …