More than 70 years after modern agriculture declared a 'war on weeds', they continue to thrive and suppress crop yields. Viewing weeds as an enemy that can be defeated if only a …
Premise of the Study Despite long‐term research efforts, a comprehensive perspective on the ecological and functional properties determining plant weediness is still lacking. We …
This research was aimed at understanding how far and how fast glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth will spread in cotton and the consequences associated with allowing a …
S-Metolachlor is commonly used by soybean and cotton growers, especially with POST treatments for overlapping residuals, to obtain season-long control of glyphosate-and …
This paper reviews the history of herbicide-resistant (HR) traits in US cotton since the beginning, highlighting the shortcomings of each trait over time that has led to the …
In fall 2011, cotton and soybean consultants from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee were surveyed through direct mail and on-farm visits, and rice consultants from …
Herbicide‐resistant weeds affect every major cropping system today. Worldwide, there are 47 and 51 confirmed cases of herbicide‐resistant weed populations in soybean [Glycine …
Studying weed spatial distribution patterns and implementing precise herbicide applications requires accurate weed mapping. In this study, a simple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was …
Agricultural systems experience numerous management-associated events during the growing season that can significantly influence seasonal and annual carbon balances …