Saturn's moon Enceladus has a potentially habitable subsurface water ocean that contains canonical building blocks of life (organic and inorganic carbon, ammonia, possibly hydrogen …
Interpreting the environmental conditions under which ancient microbialites formed relies upon comparisons with modern analogues. This is why we need a detailed reference …
The discovery of a liquid ocean on Saturn's small moon Enceladus and evidence of modern hydrothermal activity provide an unexpected new environment in which to expand the …
The shrinkage of inland, alkaline, and saline lakes has caused the elevation of arsenic and uranium concentrations in lake water. However, the chemical reactions associated with …
The Cassini spacecraft demonstrated that Saturn's small moon Enceladus may harbor hydrothermal activity. In particular, molecular hydrogen production could result from water …
Chlorate is an important Cl-bearing species and a strong potential Fe (II) oxidant on Mars. Since the amount of oxychlorine species (perchlorate and chlorate) detected on Mars is …
Y Lin, WJ Knapp, W Li, M Zheng, C Ye… - Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Hydromagnesite is a common hydrated magnesium carbonate mineral found in alkaline lakes on Earth, potentially present on Mars, and is also a key mineral for carbon capture and …
Previous studies suggested that, generally, the climate of early Mars would have been semi- arid when the surface temperatures were above freezing. On early Mars, closed-basin lakes …
PM Higgins, W Chen, CR Glein… - Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Beneath Enceladus' ice crust lies an ocean which might host habitable conditions. Here, the scale and productivity of a notional Enceladean methanogenic biosphere are computed as a …