This paper aims to develop the first differentiated (earlywood—EW, latewood—LW, and total ring width—RW) dendrochronological series for ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and oak …
Human-driven peatland drainage has occurred in Europe for centuries, causing habitat degradation and leading to the emission of greenhouse gases. As such, in the last decades …
In the Mediterranean region, the coupled effect of recent changes in climatic features and an increase in human-related water demand induced a progressive reduction in the water level …
In recent years, the utility of earlywood vessels anatomical characteristics in identifying and reconstructing hydrological conditions has been fully recognized. In riparian ring-porous …
The radial growth of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), a species often ecologically dominating European deciduous forests, is closely tied up with local environmental …
The impact of hiking in forested areas is one of the main factors affecting the condition of tree growth along hiking trails. Trampling causes common exposure of roots and quantification of …
Paleoclimate reconstructions are increasingly used to characterize climate variability and change prior to the instrumental record, in order to improve our estimates of climate …
The vulnerability of floodplain forests, a critically sensitive global ecosystem, is exacerbated by both hydrological management practices and the escalating frequency and severity of …
Platanus orientalis is a key riparian species in central Iran with the potential to serve as a climate and streamflow proxy within this region. However, there are limited studies …