Workplace courage: Review, synthesis, and future agenda for a complex construct

JR Detert, EA Bruno - Academy of Management Annals, 2017 -
The goal of this review is to organize, synthesize, and critically appraise the literature on
courage—a concept as old as the written word—to create a common base for the study of …

[图书][B] Understanding virtue: Theory and measurement

JC Wright, MT Warren, NE Snow - 2020 -
The last thirty years have seen a resurgence of interest in virtue among philosophers,
psychologists, and educators. Over time, this interdisciplinary conversation has included …

Relationship between psychological capital and quality of life: The role of courage

G Santisi, E Lodi, P Magnano, R Zarbo, A Zammitti - Sustainability, 2020 -
Quality of life is a multidimensional concept, a construct influenced by objective and
subjective factors that include the evaluation of functional, physical, social, and emotional …

The role of career adaptability and courage on life satisfaction in adolescence

MC Ginevra, P Magnano, E Lodi, C Annovazzi… - Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
The present study aimed to extend understanding about the relationship between career
adaptability, courage, and life satisfaction in a sample of Italian adolescents. It was …

Organizational justice, life satisfaction, and happiness: the mediating role of workplace social courage

IS Mert, C Sen, A Alzghoul - Kybernetes, 2022 -
Purpose Workplace social courage is a courageous behavior that can damage the actor's
social relationships, social image and accrue face-loss costs. Sometimes, it is difficult to …

Courage, career adaptability, and readiness as resources to improve well-being during the University-to-Work Transition in Italy

P Magnano, E Lodi, A Zammitti, P Patrizi - International Journal of …, 2021 -
College students approaching a university degree can experience a critical period in their
career development path that could affect their well-being. The main aim of this study was to …

The bright, dark, and gray sides of risk takers at work: criterion validity of risk propensity for contextual work performance

DC Zhang, CL Barratt, RW Smith - Journal of Business and Psychology, 2024 - Springer
Although risk takers are traditionally seen as liabilities, a growing body of research suggests
that risk takers may be critical for organizational achievements because of their courage and …

Self-perceived employability and meaningful work: The mediating role of courage on quality of life

P Magnano, G Santisi, A Zammitti, R Zarbo, S Di Nuovo - Sustainability, 2019 -
The concept of sustainability, from a psychological point of view, can be related to the
promotion of personal resources that help people to find decent and meaningful work and …

Kimmoisat työntekijät muuttuvassa työelämässä

A Virtanen, J Kaltiainen, J Hakanen - 2022 -
Tutkimushankkeen tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä proaktiivisista, yhteisöllisistä ja
johtamisen keinoista, joilla voidaan edistää työhyvinvointia muuttuvassa työelämässä …

Status quos are made to be broken: The roles of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, psychological empowerment, and voice behavior

S Ilyas, G Abid, F Ashfaq, M Ali, W Ali - Sage Open, 2021 -
Employee voice behavior has attained significant attention in contemporary research due to
its positive consequences for both workers and employers. Drawing on the social exchange …