The quality and the correctness of software are often the greatest concern in electronic systems. Formal verification tools can provide a guarantee that a design is free of specific …
Long gone are the days when program veri? cation was a task carried out merely by hand with paper and pen. For one, we are increasingly interested in proving actual program …
T Ball, B Cook, V Levin, SK Rajamani - … , IFM 2004, Cnaterbury, UK, April 4 …, 2004 - Springer
The SLAM project originated in Microsoft Research in early 2000. Its goal was to automatically check that a C program correctly uses the interface to an external library. The …
T Ball, V Levin, SK Rajamani - Communications of the ACM, 2011 -
A decade of software model checking with SLAM Page 1 68 CoMMunICATIonS oF ThE ACM | july 2011 | vol. 54 | no. 7 contributed articles LArGe-sCALe sOFtWAre DeVeLOpment is a …
T Ball, SK Rajamani - SPIN Model Checking and Software Verification: 7th …, 2000 - Springer
We present the design, implementation and empirical evaluation of Bebop—a symbolic model checker for boolean programs. Bebop represents control flow explicitly, and sets of …
This paper presents a model checking tool, SatAbs, that implements a predicate abstraction refinement loop. Existing software verification tools such as Slam, Blast, or Magic use …
Modern software model checkers find safety violations: breaches where the system enters some bad state. However, we argue that checking liveness properties offers both a richer …
C Flanagan, JB Saxe - Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT …, 2001 -
Current verification condition (VC) generation algorithms, such as weakest preconditions, yield a VC whose size may be exponential in the size of the code fragment being checked …
The goal of automatic program repair is to identify a set of syntactic changes that can turn a program that is incorrect with respect to a given specification into a correct one. Existing …