Although the geological record indicates that eukaryotes evolved by 1.9–1.4 Ga, their early evolution is poorly resolved taxonomically and chronologically. The fossil red alga …
Carbonate rocks of the lower Belt Supergroup (ca. 1.45 Ga) in west-central North America include the Haig Brook, Tombstone Mountain, Waterton and Altyn formations which crop out …
Earthʼs oxygenation is often described in terms of two unidirectional steps at the beginning and end of the Proterozoic Eon, separated by a long-lived intermediate redox state. Recent …
Accurate and precise geochronology using the Re-Os isotopic system in pyrite is an invaluable tool for developing and confirming genetic models of ore systems. However, as a …
Early diagenetic chert nodules and beds in the upper Mesoproterozoic Angmaat (formerly Society Cliffs) Formation, Baffin and Bylot islands, preserve microfossils and primary …
Thick sulfate evaporite accumulations are absent from Proterozoic strata between ca. 2000 and ca. 1000 Ma, and detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical data for the …
Abstract Marine sulfate (SO 4 2−) is intimately connected to the global carbon and oxygen cycles through its important role as an electron acceptor for the microbial respiration of …
Precambrian organic‐walled microfossils (OWMs) are primarily preserved in mudstones and shales that are low in total organic carbon (TOC). Recent work suggests that high TOC may …
Abstract The latest Mesoproterozoic Arctic Bay Formation (Borden Basin, Nunavut, Canada) is up to∼ 1130 m-thick and contains a significant proportion of unusually organic-rich black …