R Hu, M Lauriere - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10257, 2023 - arxiv.org
Stochastic optimal control and games have a wide range of applications, from finance and economics to social sciences, robotics, and energy management. Many real-world …
We propose new machine learning schemes for solving high-dimensional nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Relying on the classical backward stochastic differential …
B Bouchard, N Touzi - Stochastic Processes and their applications, 2004 - Elsevier
We suggest a discrete-time approximation for decoupled forward–backward stochastic differential equations. The Lp norm of the error is shown to be of the order of the time step …
We are concerned with the numerical resolution of backward stochastic differential equations. We propose a new numerical scheme based on iterative regressions on function …
K Back, TR Bielecki, C Hipp, S Peng… - Stochastic Methods in …, 2004 - Springer
Introduction 1.1. Searching the Mechanism of Evaluations of Risky Assets 1.2. Axiomatic Assumptions for Evaluations of Derivatives 1.3. Organization of the Lecture 2. Brownian …
For ad‐dimensional diffusion of the form dXt= μ (Xt) dt+ σ (Xt) dWt and continuous functions f and g, we study the existence and uniqueness of adapted processes Y, Z, Γ, and A solving …
Nowadays many financial derivatives, such as American or Bermudan options, are of early exercise type. Often the pricing of early exercise options gives rise to high-dimensional …
V Bally, G Pagès - Bernoulli, 2003 - projecteuclid.org
A new grid method for computing the Snell envelope of a function of an $\mathbb {R}^ d $- valued simulatable Markov chain $(X_k) _ {0\lambda\leq k\lambda\leq n} $ is proposed.(This …
This book is an extended written version of the Master 2 course “Probabilités Numériques”(ie, Numerical Probability or Numerical Methods in Probability) which has been …