„Antynaturalizm” Gombrowicza albo po co ekokrytyce pamięć o nowoczesności

M Pańczak - Przestrzenie Teorii, 2017 - ceeol.com
The article discusses Gombrowicz's declared “anti-naturalism”, which is often seen as a
gesture of negating the non-human world as boring and unworthy of interacting with …

W stronę hermeneutyki postantropocentrycznej

P Szaj - Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies, 2020 - ceeol.com
The author of the article asks whether it is possible to practice post-anthropocentric
hermeneutics. He expresses the need for opening the hermeneutic thought to the problem of …

The selected premises for the reconfiguration of the disability model. The posthumanist perspective

T Żółkowska, K Kaliszewska - … Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 2019 - pressto.amu.edu.pl
Teresa Żółkowska, Karolina Kaliszewska, The selected premises for the reconfigura-tion of
the disability model. The posthu-manist perspective. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special …