Solving the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Europe

A Blundell-Wignall - OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends, 2012 -
This paper examines the policies that have been proposed to solve the financial and
sovereign debt crisis in Europe, against the backdrop of what the real underlying problems …

Commodity currencies and currency commodities

KW Clements, R Fry - Resources Policy, 2008 - Elsevier
There is a large literature on the influence of commodity prices on the currencies of countries
with a large commodity-based export sector, such as Australia, New Zealand, and Canada …

[图书][B] The chase across the globe: International accumulation and the contradictions for nation states

D Bryan - 2019 -
Over the last 20 years—and especially over the last decade—the international expansion of
money and commodities and the international relocation of production have grown …

The turning black tide: energy prices and the Canadian dollar

R Issa, R Lafrance, J Murray - Canadian Journal of Economics …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
This paper revisits the relationship between energy prices and the Canadian dollar, using
an equation first developed by Amano and van Norden (1995). They found evidence of a …

[图书][B] Credibility without rules

MC Cottarelli, C Giannini - 1997 -
During the last 25 years, monetary practice in most countries has increasingly been
characterized by the attempt to achieve credibility of purpose while expanding the freedom …

[图书][B] International macroeconomics: theory and policy

V Argy - 2013 -
International Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy offers phenomenal coverage across the
entire subject of international macroeconoimics in an open economy context. The book has …

Australia's real exchange rate–is it explained by the terms of trade or by real interest differentials?

DWR Gruen, J Wilkinson - Economic Record, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
We find weak evidence of a stable relationship between the Australian real exchange rate
and the terms of trade from 1969 to 1990. Since the float, the terms of trade and long real …

Characteristics of a successful exchange rate system

PR Masson, M Goldstein, JA Frenkel - Characteristics of a …, 1991 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 OCCASIONAL PAPER 82 Characteristics of a Successful Exchange
Rate System Jacob A. Frenkel, Morris Goldstein, and Paul R. Masson INTERNATIONAL …

Can gold prices forecast the Australian dollar movements?

N Apergis - International Review of Economics & Finance, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper explores whether gold prices have a reliable out-of-sample relationship with the
Australian dollar/US dollar nominal and real exchange rates using daily and quarterly data …

[HTML][HTML] Major Influences on the Australian Dollar Exchange Rate| Conference–1993

A Blundell-Wignall, J Fahrer, A Heath - 1993 -
In December 1983, Australia abandoned its management of the exchange rate, ushering in
a period of floating rates which has continued until the present. This decision to float the …