Rodzicielstwo jest utożsamiane z aktem zrodzenia z siebie człowieka, przekazaniem mu życia, daniem początku nowemu ludzkiemu istnieniu. Rodzicielstwu przypisuje się doniosłe …
Advergames have been appearing alongside digital games since the very beginning. Although they had been originally created as marketing tools, their gaming nature has made …
E Szobiová - Acta Educationis Generalis, 2015 -
The contribution is focused on the conditions which allow the application of creativity in the context of an organization. The aim of the article is to reveal the work environment factors …
Marketing communication is aimed at the stimulation and regulation of the needs that are fulfilled by the means of purchase of the product or service. Ambient marketing is a term that …
S Pitoňáková - Communication Today, 2023 -
The aim of the study is to present a theoretical model that describes the value of a media product while presenting a synergy of economic, content, social, cultural and other factors …
One of guerrilla marketing benefits, among others, is an active involvement of the advertising recipient. At the same time, the recipient participates on the dissemination and transfer of …
Sažetak Ovaj rad bavit će se programima za obradu slika i njihovom ulogom u današnjem marketingu. Opisivat će se uloga marketinških kampanja i procesi izrade istih uz pomoć …
E Štrbová - European Journal of Science and Theology, 2016 -
The aim of the present paper is to search transdisciplinary functional interconnection of event marketing communication and social communication. Analysis of correlation of the …
ŁP Wojciechowski - Media-Biznes-Kultura. Dziennikarstwo i …, 2018 -
Przemysł filmowy nie istnieje dzisiaj bez rozbudowanych działań marketingowych, opartych na niestandardowych rozwiązaniach. W artykule zaprezentowano, w jaki sposób przemysł …