This survey study explored various determinants used to predict early-career researchers' future performance. 50 studies and their relevant references were examined from two main …
Compared to senior scientists, early-career scientists have largely been neglected in the literature on academic success. This study aims to identify the effects of local peer …
This paper investigates how the social environment to which a Ph. D. student is exposed during her training relates to her scientific productivity. We investigate how supervisor and …
Social networking sites are an increasingly important tool for career development, especially for highly skilled individuals. Moreover, they may constitute valuable sources of data for …
This study investigates how research group characteristics relate to the early career success of PhD candidates who are trained in the group. In particular, I study how the citation impact …
We explore the role of organizational factors in research collaboration networks among European universities. The study of organizational drivers in shaping collaboration patterns …
Mentorship in science is crucial for topic choice, career decisions, and the success of mentees and mentors. Typically, researchers who study mentorship use article co …
The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between academic inbreeding in Portugal and research collaboration, using co‐authored publications as proxies. As previous …
Scientific communities reproduce themselves by allowing senior scientists to educate young researchers, in particular through the training of doctoral students. This process of …