Condensed matter theory of dipolar quantum gases

MA Baranov, M Dalmonte, G Pupillo, P Zoller - Chemical Reviews, 2012 - ACS Publications
The realization of Bose Einstein condensates (BEC) and quantum degenerate Fermi gases
with cold atoms has been a highlight of quantum physics during the past decade. Cold …

Manipulation of molecules with electromagnetic fields

M Lemeshko, RV Krems, JM Doyle, S Kais - Molecular Physics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The goal of the present article is to review the major developments that have led to the
current understanding of molecule–field interactions and experimental methods for …

Quantum simulation and computing with Rydberg-interacting qubits

M Morgado, S Whitlock - AVS Quantum Science, 2021 -
Arrays of optically trapped atoms excited to Rydberg states have recently emerged as a
competitive physical platform for quantum simulation and computing, where high-fidelity …

Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator

H Bernien, S Schwartz, A Keesling, H Levine, A Omran… - Nature, 2017 -
Controllable, coherent many-body systems can provide insights into the fundamental
properties of quantum matter, enable the realization of new quantum phases and could …

Many-body interferometry of a Rydberg-dressed spin lattice

J Zeiher, R Van Bijnen, P Schauß, S Hild, J Choi… - Nature Physics, 2016 -
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices are ideal to study fundamentally new quantum many-body
systems, including frustrated or topological magnetic phases, and supersolids,. However …

Observation of spatially ordered structures in a two-dimensional Rydberg gas

P Schauß, M Cheneau, M Endres, T Fukuhara, S Hild… - Nature, 2012 -
The ability to control and tune interactions in ultracold atomic gases has paved the way for
the realization of new phases of matter. So far, experiments have achieved a high degree of …

Probing the quench dynamics of antiferromagnetic correlations in a 2D quantum Ising spin system

E Guardado-Sanchez, PT Brown, D Mitra, T Devakul… - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
Simulating the real-time evolution of quantum spin systems far out of equilibrium poses a
major theoretical challenge, especially in more than one dimension. We experimentally …

An experimental and theoretical guide to strongly interacting Rydberg gases

R Löw, H Weimer, J Nipper, JB Balewski… - Journal of Physics B …, 2012 -
We review experimental and theoretical tools to excite, study and understand strongly
interacting Rydberg gases. The focus lies on the excitation of dense ultracold atomic …

Crystallization in Ising quantum magnets

P Schauß, J Zeiher, T Fukuhara, S Hild, M Cheneau… - Science, 2015 -
Dominating finite-range interactions in many-body systems can lead to intriguing self-
ordered phases of matter. For quantum magnets, Ising models with power-law interactions …

Tunable superfluidity and quantum magnetism with ultracold polar molecules

AV Gorshkov, SR Manmana, G Chen, J Ye, E Demler… - Physical review …, 2011 - APS
By selecting two dressed rotational states of ultracold polar molecules in an optical lattice,
we obtain a highly tunable generalization of the tJ model, which we refer to as the tJVW …