Edge of constituent effects in Polish

J Rubach, GE Booij - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 1990 - JSTOR
Abundant violations of the Sonority Sequencing Generalization in Polish are studied from
the perspective of prosodic phonology. We argue that word-initial and non-word-initial …

[图书][B] Laryngeal features and laryngeal neutralization

L Lombardi - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
First published in 1994. In this study, the author proposes that neutralization is the result of a
wellformedness condition that the author calls the Laryngeal Constraint: In languages that …

[图书][B] The phonology of Polish

E Gussmann - 2007 - books.google.com
This book is the most complete phonology of contemporary Polish ever published. It is topic-
oriented and presents the fundamental characteristics and problems associated with each …

Postcyclic versus postlexical rules in Lexical Phonology

G Booij, J Rubach - Linguistic inquiry, 1987 - JSTOR
The theory of Lexical Phonology (Kiparsky (1982)) represents a major improvement upon
the standard theory of generative phonology. In Lexical Phonology two kinds of rules are …

[图书][B] Phonology with ternary scales

AE Gnanadesikan - 1997 - search.proquest.com
This work proposes a series of ternary scales which make certain phonological distinctions
traditionally made with binary or privative features. The dissertation focuses on the Inherent …

Laryngeal neutralization and syllable wellformedness

L Lombardi - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 1995 - Springer
This paper examines the phenomenon generally described as syllable-final laryngeal
neutralization and argues for an analysis based on a positive wellformedness constraint on …

Nonsyllabic analysis of voice assimilation in Polish

J Rubach - Linguistic Inquiry, 1996 - JSTOR
This article argues (1) that voice assimilation in Polish is governed by linear adjacency of
Laryngeal nodes rather than by syllable structure, and (2) that [voice] should be regarded as …

Resyllabification and delinking: the case of Polish voicing

E Gussmann - Linguistic Inquiry, 1992 - JSTOR
Voice alternations, most frequently characterizing obstruent systems, are a familiar phe-
nomenon in a variety of languages. Polish appears to display the common phenomenon of …

Laryngeal realism and laryngeal relativism: Two voicing systems in Polish?

E Cyran - Studies in Polish Linguistics, 2011 - ruj.uj.edu.pl
This paper argues against the 'what you see is what you get'bias in laryngeal phonology. It
contains a new analysis of voicing in modern Polish, which incorporates phonetic …

[PDF][PDF] An architecture for phonology

TN Höhle - Beiträge zur Grammatik des Deutschen: Gesammelte …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
“Phonology” is construed here in a broad sense. It comprises the system of unpredictable
(“distinctive”) phonological properties of expressions, which may be called phonemics, and …