Compared to senior scientists, early-career scientists have largely been neglected in the literature on academic success. This study aims to identify the effects of local peer …
This paper investigates how the social environment to which a Ph. D. student is exposed during her training relates to her scientific productivity. We investigate how supervisor and …
The purpose of this review is to provide the GRANteD project with robust analytical approaches and methodological insights that take into account the state of the art, but it also …
This review is about the relationship between research funding allocation, gender and underrepresented minorities (URM). Research on gender and URM disparities in research …
Research summary: This article examines the effects of an R&D team's composition on its performance outcomes in hypercompetition. The fundamental feature of firms in …
We study the link between a laboratory's personnel composition, its number and types of graduate students and postdocs, and the laboratory's productive output. Building upon a fine …
This study investigates how research group characteristics relate to the early career success of PhD candidates who are trained in the group. In particular, I study how the citation impact …
We develop a revealed preference approach to elicit science and engineering PhDs' preferences over employment outcomes, exploiting cohort size variations. Depending on …
Organizational routines are a popular field of research dominated by two communities of scholars: the capability community and the practice community. Based on a bibliometric …