Court judgments are epitomes of sovereign rule in many grand theoretical sketches. How may such judicial power be justified nowadays? Many domestic courts decide in the name of …
IMT Cate - Colum. J. Transnat'l L., 2012 - HeinOnline
The Costs of Consistency: Precedent in Investment Treaty Arbitration Page 1 The Costs of Consistency: Precedent in Investment Treaty Arbitration IRENE M. TEN CATE* This Article …
Jurisprudence has up until recently largely neglected international law as a subject of philosophizing. The Nature of International Law tries to offset against this deficiency by …
P Ranjan, P Anand - Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus., 2017 - HeinOnline
In the global backdrop of backlash against bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), this paper critically studies India's new Model BIT …
In recent years foreign investors have used a rapidly expanding network of bilateral and multilateral investment treaties to directly sue states before international tribunals for …
This contribution presents international judicial institutions as multifunctional actors against the background of a traditional understanding, which sees just one function: settling …
The state-centred'Westphalian model'of international law has failed to protect human rights and other international public goods effectively. Most international trade, financial and …
I Venzke - Loy. LA Int'l & Comp. L. Rev, 2011 - HeinOnline
The main task of international courts usually lies with applying the law to questions and facts in accordance with the standards of the legal profession. The view persists that …