Y Kitamura - Econometric Theory, 1998 - cambridge.org
Since the notion of cointegration was established by Engel and Granger (1987), many statistical methods have been suggested to estimate and test cointegrated models …
This valuable text provides a comprehensive introduction to VAR modelling and how it can be applied. In particular, the author focuses on the properties of the Cointegrated VAR …
K Metin - Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
This article analyzes the empirical relationship between inflation and the budget deficit for the Turkish economy by a multivariate cointegration analysis. A single-equation model …
K Juselius - Journal of econometrics, 1995 - Elsevier
The long-run foreign transmission effects are analyzed in a multivariate time-series model of Danish and German prices, exchange rates and interest rates. The analysis of the likelihood …
G Brouwer, NR Ericsson - Journal of Business & Economic …, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
This article develops an empirically constant, data-coherent, error-correction model for inflation in Australia. The level of consumer prices is a markup over domestic and import …
UK inflation has varied greatly in response to many economic policy and exchange‐rate regime shifts, two world wars and two oil crises, as well as legislative and technological …
D Durevall, JL Loening, YA Birru - Journal of development economics, 2013 - Elsevier
During the global food crisis, Ethiopia experienced an unprecedented increase in inflation, among the highest in Africa. Using monthly data over the past decade, we estimate models …
Macroeconometric models, in many ways the flagships of the economist's profession in the 1960s, came under increasing attack from both theoretical economist and practitioners in the …
NR Ericsson, DF Hendry, GE Mizon - Journal of Business & …, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
This overview examines conditions for reliable economic policy analysis based on econometric models, focusing on the econometric concepts of exogeneity, cointegration …