Interprocedural array region analyses

B Creusillet, F Irigoin - International Journal of Parallel Programming, 1996 - Springer
Many program optimizations require exact knowledge of the sets of array elements that are
referenced in or that flow between statements or procedures. Some examples are array …

PIPS is not (just) polyhedral software adding GPU code generation in PIPS

M Amini, C Ancourt, F Coelho… - … (IMPACT 2011) in …, 2011 -
Parallel and heterogeneous computing are growing in audience thanks to the increased
performance brought by ubiquitous manycores and GPUs. However, available programming …

A linear algebra framework for static High Performance Fortran code distribution

C Ancourt, F Coelho, F Irigoin… - Scientific …, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
High Performance Fortran (HPF) was developed to support data parallel programming for
single‐instruction multiple‐data (SIMD) and multiple‐instruction multiple‐data (MIMD) …

Optimizations for efficient array redistribution on distributed memory multicomputers

S Ramaswamy, B Simons, P Banerjee - Journal of Parallel and Distributed …, 1996 - Elsevier
Appropriate data distribution has been found to be critical for obtaining good performance
on distributed memory multicomputers such as the Thinking Machines CM-5, Intel Paragon …

Exact versus approximate array region analyses

B Creusillet, F Irigoin - Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 1997 - Springer
Advanced program optimizations, such as array privatization, require precise array data flow
analyses, usually relying on conservative over-(or may) and under-(or must) approximations …

[图书][B] Simultaneous exploitation of task and data parallelism in regular scientific applications

S Ramaswamy - 1996 -
Abstract Distributed Memory Multicomputers (DMMs) such as the IBM SP-2, the Intel
Paragon and the Thinking Machines CM-5 offer significant advantages over shared memory …

Compiling dynamic mappings with array copies

F Coelho - Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on …, 1997 -
Array remapping are useful to many applications on distributed memory parallel machines.
They are available in High Performance Fortran, a Fortran-based data-parallel language …

Source-to-source automatic program transformations for GPU-like hardware accelerators

M Amini - 2012 -
Since the beginning of the 2000s, the raw performance of processors stopped its
exponential increase. The modern graphic processing units (GPUs) have been designed as …

Distribution assignment placement: Effective optimization of redistribution costs

J Knoop, E Mehofer - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and …, 2002 -
Data locality and workload balance are key factors for getting high performance out of data-
parallel programs on multiprocessor architectures. Data-parallel languages such as High …

[图书][B] Compiler techniques for optimizing communication and data distribution for distributed-memory multicomputers

DJ Palermo - 1996 -
Distributed-memory multicomputers, such as the Intel iPSC/860, the Intel Paragon, the IBM
SP-1/SP-2, the NCUBE/2, and the Thinking Machines CM-5, offer significant advantages …