[图书][B] Stochastic interacting systems: contact, voter and exclusion processes

TM Liggett - 2013 - books.google.com
Interactive Particle Systems is a branch of Probability Theory with close connections to
Mathematical Physics and Mathematical Biology. In 1985, the author wrote a book (T …

Nonequilibrium phase transitions in lattice models

J Marro, R Dickman - Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in …, 2005 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models - NASA/ADS Now on home page ads icon
ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models …

[图书][B] Stochastic dynamics and irreversibility

T Tomé, MJ De Oliveira - 2015 - Springer
Erratic or irregular movements, which we call unpredictable or random, occur spontaneously
and are essential part of microscopic and macroscopic worlds. When superimposed to the …

Stochastic models of interacting systems

TM Liggett - The Annals of Probability, 1997 - projecteuclid.org
Interacting particle systems is by now a mature area of probability theory, but one that is still
very active. We begin this paper by explaining how models from this area arise in fields such …

Moment ratios for absorbing-state phase transitions

R Dickman, JKL da Silva - Physical Review E, 1998 - APS
We determine the first through fourth moments of the order parameter, and various ratios, for
several one-and two-dimensional models with absorbing-state phase transitions. We …

Study of a lattice-gas model for a prey–predator system

AF Rozenfeld, EV Albano - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 1999 - Elsevier
The study of interacting particle systems (IPS) has recently attracted growing interest. Also,
the understanding of irreversible processes is a challenging field in statistical physics. In this …

Indirect relation between species extinction and habitat destruction

N Nakagiri, K Tainaka, T Tao - Ecological Modelling, 2001 - Elsevier
To study local destruction of habitat, we present a lattice ecosystem composed of prey (X)
and predator (Y). This system corresponds to a lattice version of the Lotka–Volterra model …

Nonequilibrium model for the contact process in an ensemble of constant particle number

T Tomé, MJ de Oliveira - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
We introduce and analyze numerically a nonequilibrium model with a conserved dynamics
which is a realization of the contact process in an ensemble of constant particle number. The …

A simple population theory for mutualism by the use of lattice gas model

S Iwata, K Kobayashi, S Higa, J Yoshimura… - Ecological Modelling, 2011 - Elsevier
The population dynamics of species interactions provides valuable information for life
sciences. Lotka–Volterra equations (LVEs) are known to be the most popular model, and …

Study of interacting particle systems: the transition to the oscillatory behavior of a prey–predator model

R Monetti, A Rozenfeld, E Albano - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2000 - Elsevier
A prey–predator system with intelligent pursuit and evasion is studied by means of computer
simulations. It is found that the model exhibits a coexistence state between prey and …