The Amazonian formative: crop domestication and anthropogenic soils

M Arroyo-Kalin - Diversity, 2010 -
The emergence of sedentism and agriculture in Amazonia continues to sit uncomfortably
within accounts of South American pre-Columbian history. This is partially because deep …

Slash-burn-and-churn: Landscape history and crop cultivation in pre-Columbian Amazonia

M Arroyo-Kalin - Quaternary international, 2012 - Elsevier
Palaeoecologists argue that the vegetation of Amazonia has changed markedly since the
late Pleistocene and show that forest fires have been increasingly more common since the …

Political economy and pre-Columbian landscape transformations in Central Amazonia

EG Neves, JB Petersen - Time and complexity in historical ecology …, 2006 -
280 EDUARDO G. NEVES AND JAMES B. PETERSEN and dramatic events of sociocultural
change. Human landscape management in Amazonia has been exerted within this long …

Ecology, ceramic chronology and distribution, long-term history, and political change in the Amazonian floodplain

EG Neves - The Handbook of South American Archaeology, 2008 - Springer
This paper intends to examine the available archaeological evidence of the social
formations that occupied the Amazonian floodplain from ca. 500 BC to AD 1500. It is based …

[PDF][PDF] A tradição Pocó-Açutuba e os primeiros sinais visíveis de modificações de paisagens na calha do Amazonas

EG Neves, VLC Guapindaia, HP Lima… - … : memorias de las …, 2014 -
Grande parte dos arqueólogos que trabalham hoje na bacia amazônica aceita a hipótese
de que as populações indígenas antigas da região realizaram modificações marcantes e …

História das caretas: A tradição borda incisa na Amazônia central

HP Lima - 2008 -
As análises e a classificação das cerâmicas da Tradição Borda Incisa na Amazônia central
resultaram nas tipologias cujas pranchas são apresentadas neste apêndice da tese. Os …

Amazonian dark earths: the first century of reports

WI Woods, WM Denevan - Amazonian dark earths: Wim Sombroek's vision, 2009 - Springer
Amazonian dark earths are anthropogenic soils called terra preta de índio in Brazil, created
by indigenous people hundreds, even thousands, of years ago (Smith 1980; Woods and …

Anthropogenic dark earths of the Central Amazon region: remarks on their evolution and polygenetic composition

M Arroyo-Kalin, EG Neves, WI Woods - Amazonian dark earths: Wim …, 2009 - Springer
Anthrosols are soils whose formation and characteristics have been enduringly influenced
by the material effects of human action (Limbrey 1975; Eidt 1984; Woods 2003). Among …

Pre-Columbian settlement dynamics in the Central Amazon

L Rebellato, WI Woods, EG Neves - Amazonian dark earths: Wim …, 2009 - Springer
During the past decade, integration of anthropology, archaeology, biology, ecology,
geography, and soil science has brought important results in the development of an …

[PDF][PDF] Steps towards an ecology of landscape: A geoarchaeological approach to the study of anthropogenic dark earths in the central Amazon region, Brazil

MA Arroyo-Kalin - 2008 -
Amazonian anthropogenic dark earths constitute an increasingly more important dimension
of the archaeological record of the Amazon basin. These anthropogenic soils mark the …