Couple therapy involves helping couples develop capacities to connect and collaborate amid the vast array of differences that typically emerge in couples' relationships over time …
This dissertation elucidated the lived experience of growing up in an interfaith family as described by young adults. The literature concerning this phenomenon is limited, and to …
M NURLU - AİLE TERAPİSİ: Manevi Yönelimli Bir Perspektif -
Dinlerarası evlilik eşlerin aynı dinsel gruba bağlı olup olmamaları temelinde tanımlanmaktadır. Dindarlık düzeyi yüksek olanların ve yetiştirildiği dinî inancına daha fazla …
Bireligiosity is an increasing common characteristic of romantic partnerships. The decision about how to incorporate bireligiosity into childrearing is an area that requires more …