When considering the rheology of a suspension the fundamental physical aspect to be quantified is the redistribution of strain between the deformable matrix fraction of the …
An increasing number of studies are being presented demonstrating that volcanic glasses can be heterogeneous at the nanoscale. These nano-heterogeneities can develop both …
Mineral-hosted melt inclusions have become an important source of information on magmatic processes. As the number of melt inclusion studies increases, so does the need to …
Although gas exsolution is a major driving force behind explosive volcanic eruptions, viscosity is critical in controlling the escape of bubbles and switching between explosive and …
Aluminosilicate glasses and melts are of paramount importance for geo-and materials sciences. They include most magmas, and are used to produce a wide variety of everyday …
Degassing dynamics play a crucial role in controlling the explosivity of magma at erupting volcanoes. Degassing of magmatic water typically involves bubble nucleation and growth …
Magma from Plinian volcanic eruptions contains an extraordinarily large numbers of bubbles. Nucleation of those bubbles occurs because pressure decreases as magma rises …
Abstract The 2020–21 eruption of La Soufrière, St Vincent began with extrusion of a viscous lava dome, which was destroyed upon transition to a major explosive phase. Here we …
Explosivity in erupting volcanoes is controlled by the degassing dynamics and the viscosity of the ascending magma in the conduit. Magma crystallisation enhances both …