We consider rational varieties with a torus action of complexity one and extend the combinatorial approach via the Cox ring developed for the complete case in earlier work to …
Following the work of Altmann and Hausen we give a combinatorial description for smooth Fano threefolds admitting a 2-torus action. We show that a whole variety of properties and …
We classify generically transitive actions of semi-direct products on ℙ2. Motivated by the program to study the distribution of rational points on del Pezzo surfaces (Manin's …
This thesis contributes to the explicit classification of Fano varieties of Picard number one and two. In the first chapter we give sharp upper bounds on various geometric invariants of …
J Hausen, S Keicher, R Wolf - Mathematics of Computation, 2017 - ams.org
We present an algorithm to compute the automorphism group of a Mori dream space. As an example calculation, we determine the automorphism groups of singular cubic surfaces with …
Given a connected reductive algebraic group G and a Borel subgroup B⊆ G, we study B- normalized one-parameter additive group actions on affine spherical G-varieties. We …
We consider log del Pezzo surfaces coming with a non-trivial torus action. Such a surface is 1/k-log canonical if it allows a resolution of singularities with discrepanies all greater or …
The subject of this thesis are varieties with a torus action of complexity one, ie algebraic varieties X with an algebraic torus T acting effectively on them, where dim (T)= dim (X)-1. A …