Labor regulations, unions, and social protection in developing countries: Market distortions or efficient institutions?

RB Freeman - Handbook of development economics, 2010 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews what economists have learned about the impact of labor market
institutions, defined broadly as government regulations and union activity on labor outcomes …

The impact of labor market regulation on employment in low‐income countries: A meta‐analysis

S Nataraj, F Perez‐Arce, KB Kumar… - Journal of Economic …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Controversy over labor market policy often centers on achieving a balance between
preventing worker exploitation, and avoiding loss of productivity or employment through …

Minimum wages and employment

D Neumark, WL Wascher - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2007 -
We review the burgeoning literature on the employment effects of minimum wages–in the
United States and in other countries–that was spurred by the new minimum wage research …

Labor market institutions and demographic employment patterns

G Bertola, FD Blau, LM Kahn - Journal of Population Economics, 2007 - Springer
We study collective bargaining's effect on relative employment for youth, women, and older
individuals. Our model of collective wage setting predicts that unionization reduces …

Minimum wage effects in a developing country

S Lemos - Labour Economics, 2009 - Elsevier
The available empirical minimum wage literature, which is mostly based on US evidence, is
not very useful for analyzing developing countries, where the minimum wage affects many …

Gender differences in time use: Allocating time between the market and the household

EC Rubiano Matulevich, M Viollaz - World Bank Policy Research …, 2019 -
Important progress toward gender equality has been made in the past decades, but
inequalities linked to gender norms, stereotypes, and the unequal distribution of housework …

Employment laws in developing countries

S Djankov, R Ramalho - Journal of Comparative Economics, 2009 - Elsevier
We survey the research on the effect of employment laws in developing countries, using
papers published since 2004. The survey is further supported by cross-country correlation …

[图书][B] Globalization and labor conditions: working conditions and worker rights in a global economy

RJ Flanagan - 2006 -
" Globalization and Labor Conditions explains how the three main mechanisms of
globalization-trade, international migration, and international capital flows-alter working …

[图书][B] Employment protection legislation: Evolution, effects, winners and losers

P Skedinger - 2010 -
In this book, Per Skedinger gives an excellent and balanced survey and evaluation of both
the theoretical prediction and the empirical research about the consequences of legislated …

Exporting and plant-level efficiency gains: It's in the measure

A Garcia-Marin, N Voigtländer - Journal of Political Economy, 2019 -
While there is strong evidence that more productive plants select into exporting, the literature
has struggled to identify export-related efficiency gains within plants. We show that this is …