Objectives In a period of mass protest, police use of force against protesters regularly makes headlines across the country. Our study contributes to the literature on public opinion about …
Objectives Policing is in the midst of a legitimacy crisis. Procedural justice is a primary avenue for police reform, including when police officers interact with vulnerable populations …
Purpose The police often respond to persons who are not in direct violation of the law, but are rather undergoing behavioral crises due to mental illness or substance abuse disorders …
Law enforcement officials have been increasingly using body-worn cameras (BWCs). The presence of BWCs and subsequent recordings may have a de-escalation effect on citizens …
Trust in the police by the public is the cornerstone of public safety. A lack of trust in the police discourages citizens from reporting criminal behavior, leading to increased crime rates. A …
Purpose American police agencies' swift adoption of body-worn camera (BWC) technology, coupled with the ubiquity of smartphones and social media, has led to a “new visibility” of …
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how community supervision officers (CSO) and administrators perceive the use of body-worn cameras (BWCs) by a community …
Human trafficking involves the commercial exploitation of others for labor or sexual purposes and is underreported, underdetected, and underprosecuted. Vicarious trauma is described …
Undanfarin ár hefur notkun búkmyndavéla hjá lögreglunni stóraukist víða um heim og gegna þær lykilhlutverki í daglegum störfum lögreglumanna. Búkmyndavélar hafa meðal annars …