What separates modern humans from our primate cousins—are we a mere blink in the march of evolution, or does human culture represent the definitive evolutionary turn? Dwight …
D Jones - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2010 - cambridge.org
Research in anthropology has shown that kin terminologies have a complex combinatorial structure and vary systematically across cultures. This article argues that universals and …
Kinship is a fundamental feature and basis of human societies. We describe a set of computational tools and services, and the logic that underlies these, developed to improve …
Jones' proposed application of Optimality Theory assumes the primary kinship data are genealogical definitions of kin terms. This, however, ignores the fact that these definitions …
D Read - Kinship systems: Change and reconstruction, 2013 - researchgate.net
The kin term product calculations used by culture-bearers to compute kin relationships from kin terms without reference to genealogy are the basis for the structure of a kinship …
A Wierzbicka - Australian Journal of Linguistics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
While many anthropologists these days dismiss the study of kinship terminologies as something that belongs—or should belong—to the past, from an Australian perspective kin …
Książka bazuje na pogłębionych badaniach etnograficznych przeprowadzonych pomiędzy 2003 a 2010 rokiem w środowisku wielkomiejskim, małomiasteczkowym oraz wiejskim. W …
D Read - Focality and extension in kinship: essays in memory of …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
Carrying out this enterprise in toto requires rethinking widespread assumptions such as 'kin categories are genealogically structured'and 'kinship space is built up recursively out of …
In Introduction to the Science of Kinship, Murray J. Leaf and Dwight Read illustrate how humans organize systems of social ideas through structures of kinship and outline what this …