M Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska - 2008 - books.google.com
W drugiej połowie lat osiemdziesiątych poszczególne republiki Socjalistycznej Federacyjnej Republiki Jugosłwii coraz bardziej zdecydowanie dążyły do utworzenia samodzielnych …
Contemporary Serbian society, as well as other post-Yugoslav societies (excluding Slovenia) could not be classified as successful societies. For three decades, incapacity to …
H Dajč, L Dobrovšak, NJ Ajzenhamer, N Pantelić… - 2022 - researchgate.net
Contemporary populist discourses in countries of the former Yugoslavia are the result of long political processes and turbulent ideological transformations that the countries have …
S Antonić - Sociološki pregled, 2007 - bic-pk.ceon.rs
The article discusses the sociological obstacles for consolidation in Serbia after 2000. The author claim that the reason for slow consolidation lies squarely with the type of political …
Ovo doktorsko istraživanje je nastalo s ciljem sticanja dubljeg uvida u domete, inicijative, i kontroverze delovanja ženskog pokreta u kontekstu bh. društva kao postsocijalističkog i …
Општа полазна основа рада је ситуација да демократски тип организације власти и друштвеног система има културно утемељење, односно суштинске културне …
In most eastern European countries, consensus on EU integration was reached relatively easily. In Serbia, however, the political and intellectual elites are still reluctant to make …
S Antonić - Sociološki pregled, 2005 - scindeks.ceon.rs
In the first part of this article the electoral volatility in Serbia is compared to those in other countries. The Pedersen's Index for Serbia from 1990 to 2003 is 19.6, which means there is …
Contemporary Serbian society, as well as other post-Yugoslav societies (excluding Slovenia) could not be classified as successful societies. For three decades, incapacity to …