The paradigm of past climate-driven range shifts structuring the distribution of marine intraspecific biodiversity lacks replication in biological models exposed to comparable …
Tests for isolation by distance (IBD) are the most commonly used method of assessing spatial genetic structure. Many studies have exclusively used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) …
Aim We provide an overview of the location and ages of coastal phylogeographical breaks in southern Australian planktonic dispersers, and test the hypothesis that the absence of …
Metabarcoding is by now a well‐established method for biodiversity assessment in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments. Metabarcoding data sets are usually used …
Intraspecific genetic structure in widely distributed marine species often mirrors the boundaries between temperature-defined bioregions. This suggests that the same thermal …
Aim It has been predicted that there should be concordance between biogeographical and phylogeographical processes structuring multi‐species regional assemblages. We …
Human-mediated dispersal interplays with natural processes and complicates understanding of the biogeographical history of species. This is exemplified by two invasive …
Over the past decade, evidence of abrupt latitudinal changes in the dynamics, structure and genetic variability of intertidal and subtidal benthic communities along central-northern Chile …
Environmental temperature has profound effects on the biological performance and biogeographical distribution of ectothermic species. Variation of this abiotic factor across …