Dynamical processes in complex plasmas

A Piel, A Melzer - Plasma physics and controlled fusion, 2001 - iopscience.iop.org
In this review, a systematic overview of dynamical processes in complex (dusty) plasmas is
given. Complex plasmas consist of electrons, ions, neutrals, and microparticles of …

Formation of structures in a dusty ionosphere

BA Klumov, GE Morfill, SI Popel - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical …, 2005 - Springer
An analysis of the evolution of microscopic particles (dust grains) in the Earth's ionosphere
and their effect on ionization in the middle atmosphere is presented. It is shown that summer …

Dust ion–acoustic shock waves in laboratory, ionospheric, and astrophysical plasmas

TV Losseva, SI Popel, AP Golub' - Plasma Physics Reports, 2020 - Springer
Methods of description of ion–acoustic shock waves in dusty plasma are presented. A new
type of dust ion–acoustic shock waves related to anomalous dissipation is described. The …

[HTML][HTML] (3+ 1)-dimensional cylindrical dust ion-acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasma

TF Rahman, S Tarofder, MM Orani, J Akter, AA Mamun - Results in Physics, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The basic properties of (3+ 1)-dimensional cylindrical dust ion-acoustic (DIA)
solitary waves have been studied in a multi-component plasma medium consisting of inertial …

Three-dimensional stability of dust-ion acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized multicomponent dusty plasma with negative ions

WF El-Taibany, NA El-Bedwehy, EF El-Shamy - Physics of Plasmas, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
Using the small-k expansion perturbation method, the three-dimensional stability of dust-ion
acoustic solitary waves (DIASWs) in a magnetized multicomponent dusty plasma containing …

Phenomena associated with complex (dusty) plasmas in the ionosphere during high-speed meteor showers

SI Kopnin, SI Popel, MY Yu - Physics of Plasmas, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
Formation of dusty plasmas in the Earth's ionosphere at 80–120 km altitudes during high-
speed meteor showers and its detectable manifestations are discussed. Emphasis is given …

Solitons in Earth's dusty mesosphere

SI Popel, SI Kopnin, IN Kosarev, MY Yu - Advances in Space Research, 2006 - Elsevier
The Earth's mesosphere at altitudes of 80–95km exhibits layered phenomena known as
noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes. These structures are believed to …

Structural properties of complex (dusty) plasma upon crystallization and melting

BA Klumov, GE Morfill - JETP letters, 2009 - Springer
A change in the local order of a bounded complex (dusty) plasma in the process of its
crystallization and melting has been examined by molecular dynamics simulations. The …

Localized structures of nanosize charged dust grains in Earth's middle atmosphere

SI Kopnin, IN Kosarev, SI Popel, MY Yu - Planetary and space Science, 2004 - Elsevier
The Earth's middle atmosphere at altitudes of 80–95km exhibits layered phenomena known
as noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes. These structures are believed …

Dust particles in space: Opportunities for experimental research

IA Kuznetsov, AV Zakharov, LM Zelenyi, SI Popel… - Astronomy Reports, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Space dust and dusty (complex) plasma are one of the most common
manifestations of matter in space. Non-atmospheric bodies of the Solar System, such as the …