Ciliates are abundant and ubiquitous components of the marine plankton. Marine planktonic ciliates include hundreds of species of loricate (shell-bearing) members of the suborder …
This paper describes a dilution technique for estimating the micro-zooplankton grazing impact on natural communities of marine phytoplankton. Experiments performed in coastal …
It would not have been possible for me to write the three editions of this book without a double dose of extraordinary fortune: to have been part of the Woods Hole scientific …
AR Longhurst, WG Harrison - Progress in Oceanography, 1989 - Elsevier
The 'biological pump'mediates flux of carbon to the interior of the ocean by interctions between the components of the vertically-structured pelagic ecosystem of the photic zone …
JT Turner, PA Tester - Limnology and oceanography, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Interactions between toxic phytoplankton and their zooplankton grazers are complex. Some zooplankters ingest some toxic phytoplankters with no apparent harm, whereas others are …
Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, a common, neritic, bloom-forming dinoflagellate, is the cause of harmful blooms in many estuarine and coastal environments. Among harmful …
Zooplankton are critical to the vitality of estuaries and coastal waters. In this revised edition of Johnson and Allen's instant classic, readers are taken on a tour of the miniature universe …
U Tillmann - Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
For an algal bloom to develop, the growth rate of the bloom‐forming species must exceed the sum of all loss processes. Among these loss processes, grazing is generally believed to …
Microzooplankton grazing activity in the Celtic Sea and Carmarthen Bay in summer 1983 and autumn 1984 was investigated by applying a dilution technique to high-performance …