D Jelačić - Human resources management and ergonomics, 2011 - frcatel.fri.uniza.sk
Motivating the employees has the key importance for providing their efficiency and quality of work. This especially applies for employment in the conditions of economic crisis, where the …
Sažetak Motiviranje zaposlenih ima ključnu važnost za ostvarenje njihove učinkovitosti i kvalitete rada. To se posebice odnosi na poslovanje u uvjetima gospodarske recesije jer se …
Diplomsko delo je zaključek Visokošolskega strokovnega študija lesarstva. Opravljeno je bilo na Katedri za management in ekonomiko lesnih podjetij ter razvoj izdelkov na Oddelku …
Sales personnel becomes the key working staff in the time of any crisis. It is responsible for the outcome of the critical situation. Because of it the company may either go under, or come …