Gender, material chronotopes, and the emergence of the eighteenth-century microscope

CR Milbourne, S Hallenbeck - Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This essay expands on previous feminist rhetorical scholarship to account for the ways that
material, spatial, and temporal rhetorics operate together to enable gender performances …

Goodbye,“post-pill paradise”: Texturing feminist public memories of women's reproductive and rhetorical agency

HB Adams - Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Oral contraception (eg,“the pill”), an iconic technology and everyday object, has shaped
women's embodied experiences and notions of self. Feminist remembrances of the pill often …

Domesticating Citizenship: The Kairotopics of America's Post-9/11 Home Makeover

J Faber McAlister - Critical Studies in Media Communication, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
This essay analyzes how Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is making over democratic
citizenship in post-9/11 America. Seeking to counter a temporal bias that displaces attention …

“Assurance that the world holds far more good than bad”: The Pedagogy of Memory at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum

L Obermark - Rhetoric Review, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum (OKCNMM) must balance respectful
remembrance with broad education about the 1995 terrorist attack that killed one hundred …

Time and the making of space in urban development

NR Johnson, MA Johnson - Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
In this essay, we describe how rhetoric's theories of temporality can inform ongoing urban
development. We examine a transportation planning case to suggest that urban …

News that isn't new: March for Our Lives and media mobilization of historical precedent

R Applegarth - Rhetoric Review, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Media coverage of the March 24, 2018 March for Our Lives has been voluminous, including
notable coverage framing the march in relation to historical precursors. Analyzing two …

Riding out of bounds: Women bicyclists' embodied medical authority

S Hallenbeck - Rhetoric Review, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
With its wide circulation and its resistance to old-fashioned morality, the popular magazine
provided late nineteenth-century American women a location within which to counter …

Discourses of affirmation in the spatialization of whiteness

JF Hoops - Journal of International and Intercultural …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
I employ a spatial framework to contextualize and fragment essentialist depictions of
whiteness and de-racialized descriptions of space. Extending the contributions of Henri …

[PDF][PDF] From urban enclave to ethnoburb: Discourse, space, and community in Polish Chicago

J Schneider - Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 2014 -
In this paper I want to tell a story of discourse, space, and community—or more specifically, a
story of how discourse and space can intersect with a community's efforts to construct its own …

“To Preserve UnimpAired”: The Presidency, NAtionAl PArks, And the PreservAtion of the US Settler ColoniAlist StAte

ME Stuckey - Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 2024 -
Control of time is critical to the maintenance of settler colonial states. In the United States,
which relies on linear conceptions of time, time is treated as moving forward, which implies a …