On the lifting of Hermitian modular forms

T Ikeda - Compositio Mathematica, 2008 - cambridge.org
Let K be an imaginary quadratic field with discriminant− D. We denote by 𝒪 the ring of
integers of K. Let χ be the primitive Dirichlet character corresponding to K/ℚ. Let be the …

Congruences among modular forms on U (2, 2) and the Bloch-Kato conjecture

K Klosin - Annales de l'institut Fourier, 2009 - numdam.org
Let k be a positive integer divisible by 4, p> ka prime, f an elliptic cuspidal eigenform
(ordinary at p) of weight k− 1, level 4 and nontrivial character. In this paper we provide …