Patent licensing

MI Kamien - Handbook of game theory with economic applications, 1992 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on the patent licensing. Game-theoretic methods
have made it possible to address questions with regard to patent licensing. The common …

Optimal licensing of cost-reducing innovation

MI Kamien, SS Oren, Y Tauman - Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1992 - Elsevier
We analyze licensing of a cost reducing innovation to an oligopolistic industry, and extend
previous work by Kamien and Tauman (1986) and Katz and Shapiro (1986) in two …

Discriminatory information disclosure

H Li, X Shi - American Economic Review, 2017 -
A seller designs a mechanism to sell a single object to a potential buyer whose private type
is his incomplete information about his valuation. The seller can disclose additional …

Information as an economic commodity

B Allen - The American Economic Review, 1990 - JSTOR
The words" economic commodities" refer to categories of items that are traded for a price (or,
more generally, that can be acquired at some resource cost). Commodities may either be …

[图书][B] La ciudad caleidoscópica

P Abramo - 2011 -
Este libro es un cásico instantáneo que merece un lugar de honor junto a los clásicos
fundacionales urbanos de Harvey, Castells, y Logan y Molotch. Lo que estos autores hacen …

Extensive-form correlated equilibrium: Definition and computational complexity

B Von Stengel, F Forges - Mathematics of Operations …, 2008 -
This paper defines the extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE) for extensive games
with perfect recall. The EFCE concept extends Aumann's strategic-form correlated …

[图书][B] Cognitive economics

B Walliser - 2007 -
As a manifestation of a'cognitive turn'observable in all social sciences, Cognitive Economics
is concerned with the beliefs and mental operations held by actors placed within a …

[图书][B] Mathematical foundations of game theory

R Laraki, J Renault, S Sorin - 2019 - Springer
Game theory is a field that studies interactive decisions. On the one hand, it builds models
that represent situations where several entities or players make choices, and where this …

Implementation via Information Design in Binary‐Action Supermodular Games

S Morris, D Oyama, S Takahashi - Econometrica, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
What outcomes can be implemented by the choice of an information structure in binary‐
action supermodular games? An outcome is partially implementable if it satisfies obedience …

Is more information always better?: Experimental financial markets with cumulative information

J Huber, M Kirchler, M Sutter - Journal of Economic Behavior & …, 2008 - Elsevier
We study the value of information in financial markets by asking whether having more
information always leads to higher returns. We address this question in an experiment …