Uniting remote sensing, crop modelling and economics for agricultural risk management

E Benami, Z Jin, MR Carter, A Ghosh… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2021 - nature.com
The increasing availability of satellite data at higher spatial, temporal and spectral
resolutions is enabling new applications in agriculture and economic development …

Index insurance for developing country agriculture: a reassessment

M Carter, A de Janvry, E Sadoulet… - Annual Review of …, 2017 - annualreviews.org
With uninsured risk representing a major hurdle to investment, productivity growth, and
poverty reduction in developing country smallholder agriculture, index-based agricultural …

Can digital technologies reshape rural microfinance? Implications for savings, credit, & insurance

E Benami, MR Carter - Applied Economic Perspectives and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Rural microfinance must contend with the triple challenges of isolation, small‐scale
transactions, and risk. These challenges result in information asymmetries and transaction …

Time versus state in insurance: Experimental evidence from contract farming in Kenya

L Casaburi, J Willis - American Economic Review, 2018 - aeaweb.org
The gains from insurance arise from the transfer of income across states. Yet, by requiring
that the premium be paid up front, standard insurance products also transfer income across …

The demand for microinsurance: A literature review

JP Platteau, O De Bock, W Gelade - World Development, 2017 - Elsevier
Microinsurance has recently received much attention as a promising tool to protect poor
individuals from important shocks. Yet, voluntary demand from people has been low …

Index-based weather insurance for developing countries: A review of evidence and a set of propositions for up-scaling

MR Carter, A De Janvry, E Sadoulet, A Sarris - 2014 - econstor.eu
Index-based weather insurance is a major institutional innovation that could revolutionize
access to formal insurance for millions of smallholder farmers and related individuals. It has …

Index insurance quality and basis risk: Evidence from northern Kenya

ND Jensen, CB Barrett, AG Mude - American Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The number of index insurance pilots in developing countries has grown tremendously in
recent years, but there has been little progress in our understanding of the quality of those …

Compound-risk aversion, ambiguity and the willingness to pay for microinsurance

G Elabed, MR Carter - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2015 - Elsevier
Index insurance–in which payments are based on an index correlated with, but not identical
to, individual losses–has been faced with an unexpectedly low uptake, despite its promise …

[PDF][PDF] Market inefficiencies and the adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries

BK Jack - 2013 - escholarship.org
Throughout the world, and particularly in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, many of the
poorest people are farmers. Nearly 75 percent of those subsisting on $1 a day live in rural …

Liquidity constraints, informal institutions, and the adoption of weather insurance: A randomized controlled Trial in Ethiopia

T Belissa, E Bulte, F Cecchi, S Gangopadhyay… - Journal of Development …, 2019 - Elsevier
We report the results of a drought insurance experiment in Ethiopia, and examine whether
uptake of index-based insurance is enhanced if we allow farmers to pay after harvest …