M Alattar, A Sali - Journal on Data Semantics, 2020 - Springer
Missing data value is an extensive problem in both research and industrial developers. Two general approaches are there to deal with the problem of missing values in databases; they …
S Link - Proceedings of the Eighth Asia-Pacific …, 2012 - crpit.scem.westernsydney.edu.au
Conceptual models are relational database schemata that result from conceptual data modeling. Conceptual models usually capture the semantics of the underlying application …
VBT Le, S Link, F Ferrarotti - … Conference, ER 2013, Hong-Kong, China …, 2013 - Springer
SQL designs result from methodologies such as UML or Entity-Relationship models, description logics, or relational normalization. Independently of the methodology, sample …
V Le, S Link, F Ferrarotti - Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2015 - Elsevier
SQL schema designs result from methodologies such as UML, Entity-Relationship models, description logics, or relational normalization. Independently of the methodology, sample …
H Koehler, V Le, S Link - Journal on Data Semantics, 2021 - Springer
We study the combined class of possible keys and functional dependencies over Codd tables under NOT NULL constraints. These constraints can express significant application …
VTB Le, S Link, F Ferrarotti - Proceedings of the Tenth Asia-Pacific …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
SQL database designs can result from methodologies such as UML or Entity-Relationship modeling, Description Logic specifications, or relational normalization. Independently from …
A database is said to be C-Armstrong for a finite set Σ of data dependencies in a class C if the database satisfies all data dependencies in Σ and violates all data dependencies in C …