G Widmer, W Goebl - Journal of new music research, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This contribution gives an overview of the state of the art in the field of computational modeling of expressive music performance. The notion of predictive computational model is …
P Vorderer, J Bryant - 2012 - api.taylorfrancis.com
From security training simulations to war games to role-playing games, to sports games to gambling, playing video games has become a social phenomena, and the increasing …
A Friberg, R Bresin, J Sundberg - Advances in cognitive psychology, 2006 - ac-psych.org
The KTH rule system models performance principles used by musicians when performing a musical score, within the realm of Western classical, jazz and popular music. An overview is …
RA Kendall, EC Carterette - Music perception, 1990 - online.ucpress.edu
This study focuses on the performer-listener link of the chain of musical communication. Using different perceptual methods (categorization, matching, and rating), as well as …
From the perspective of musicology, the empirical study of performance has coincided with a move away from the primacy of the score and toward increasing interest in music …
EF Clarke - Psychological research, 1989 - Springer
This paper is concerned with the perception of small-scale timing changes in musical sequences. The control and expressive function of these have been studied quite …
EF Clarke - Contemporary music review, 1987 - Taylor & Francis
Music is organized hierarchically in a network of interconnected levels. Different levels demonstrate structural properties of different types, and are notated in music with differing …
SD Lipscomb, DE Tolchinsky - Musical communication, 2005 - academia.edu
Prelude Past research leaves no doubt that music is an effective medium for communication. When one considers, however, the matter of what it is that is being communicated “the plot …
SM Zehnder, SD Lipscomb - Playing Video Games, 2012 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Medal of Honor: Frontline (MOH: Frontline; Electronic Arts, 2002) and the highly customizable hip-hop playlists of others like Tony Hawk's Underground (Activision, 2003) …