Music performance

C Palmer - Annual review of psychology, 1997 -
▪ Abstract Music performance provides a rich domain for study of both cognitive and motor
skills. Empirical research in music performance is summarized, with particular emphasis on …

Computational models of expressive music performance: The state of the art

G Widmer, W Goebl - Journal of new music research, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This contribution gives an overview of the state of the art in the field of computational
modeling of expressive music performance. The notion of predictive computational model is …

[图书][B] Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences

P Vorderer, J Bryant - 2012 -
From security training simulations to war games to role-playing games, to sports games to
gambling, playing video games has become a social phenomena, and the increasing …

[PDF][PDF] Overview of the KTH rule system for musical performance

A Friberg, R Bresin, J Sundberg - Advances in cognitive psychology, 2006 -
The KTH rule system models performance principles used by musicians when performing a
musical score, within the realm of Western classical, jazz and popular music. An overview is …

The communication of musical expression

RA Kendall, EC Carterette - Music perception, 1990 -
This study focuses on the performer-listener link of the chain of musical communication.
Using different perceptual methods (categorization, matching, and rating), as well as …

Empirical methods in the study of performance

E Clarke - Empirical musicology: Aims, methods, prospects, 2004 -
From the perspective of musicology, the empirical study of performance has coincided with a
move away from the primacy of the score and toward increasing interest in music …

The perception of expressive timing in music

EF Clarke - Psychological research, 1989 - Springer
This paper is concerned with the perception of small-scale timing changes in musical
sequences. The control and expressive function of these have been studied quite …

Levels of structure in the organization of musical time

EF Clarke - Contemporary music review, 1987 - Taylor & Francis
Music is organized hierarchically in a network of interconnected levels. Different levels
demonstrate structural properties of different types, and are notated in music with differing …

[PDF][PDF] The role of music communication in cinema

SD Lipscomb, DE Tolchinsky - Musical communication, 2005 -
Prelude Past research leaves no doubt that music is an effective medium for communication.
When one considers, however, the matter of what it is that is being communicated “the plot …

The role of music in video games

SM Zehnder, SD Lipscomb - Playing Video Games, 2012 -
Medal of Honor: Frontline (MOH: Frontline; Electronic Arts, 2002) and the highly
customizable hip-hop playlists of others like Tony Hawk's Underground (Activision, 2003) …