Etiology of child maltreatment: A developmental€ cological analysis.

J Belsky - Psychological bulletin, 1993 -
This article applies a Developmental–Ecological perspective to the question of the etiology
of physical child abuse and neglect by organizing the paper around a variety of “contexts of …

Key issues in the development of aggression and violence from childhood to early adulthood

R Loeber, D Hay - Annual review of psychology, 1997 -
▪ Abstract Different manifestations of aggression from childhood to early adulthood are
reviewed to establish how early manifestations are related to later manifestations …

[引用][C] Judgments of responsibility: A foundation for a theory of social conduct

B Weiner - 1995 -
This intriguing new work provides a careful examination of how judgments of ourselves and
others relate to problems and, in so doing, yields valuable insight into human interactions …

[图书][B] Handbook of parenting: Volume I: Children and parenting

MH Bornstein - 2005 -
Despite the fact that most people become parents and everyone who has ever lived has had
parents, parenting remains a mystifying subject about which almost everyone has opinions …

Toward a comprehensive model of antisocial development: a dynamic systems approach.

I Granic, GR Patterson - Psychological review, 2006 -
The purpose of this article is to develop a preliminary comprehensive model of antisocial
development based on dynamic systems principles. The model is built on the foundations of …

Discipline responses: influences of parents' socioeconomic status, ethnicity, beliefs about parenting, stress, and cognitive-emotional processes.

EE Pinderhughes, KA Dodge, JE Bates… - Journal of family …, 2000 -
Direct and indirect precursors to parents' harsh discipline responses to hypothetical
vignettes about child misbehavior were studied with data from 978 parents (59% mothers; …

The parent's capacity to treat the child as a psychological agent: Constructs, measures and implications for developmental psychopathology

C Sharp, P Fonagy - Social development, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Recent studies of the relationship between parenting and child development have included
a focus on the parent's capacity to treat the child as a psychological agent. Several …

Parental and child cognitions in the context of the family

DB Bugental, C Johnston - Annual review of psychology, 2000 -
Parent and child family-related cognitions are reviewed with respect to (a) their origins,(b)
their linkage to affect and behavior,(c) their transmission and perpetuation,(d) their alteration …

Parent beliefs are cognitions: The dynamic belief systems model.

IE Sigel, MGD Lisi, V Ann - 2002 -
Notes that what parents believe about parenting is related to their own parenting and to
virtually every aspect of children's developmental accomplishments. The organization of this …

[PDF][PDF] Gewalterfahrungen in der Kindheit

P Wetzels - Sexueller Missbrauch, körperliche Misshandlung …, 1997 -
Mit der Einbindung einer Erhebung zu Kindheitserfahrungen mit sexuellem Mißbrauch und
elterlicher Gewalt sowie innerfamiliären Gewalterfahrungen im Erwachsenenalter in eine …