Lightweight software architecture evaluation for industry: A comprehensive review

M Sahlabadi, RC Muniyandi, Z Shukur, F Qamar - Sensors, 2022 -
Processes for evaluating software architecture (SA) help to investigate problems and
potential risks in SA. It is derived from many studies that proposed a plethora of systematic …

Quality attributes use in architecture design decision methods: research and practice

I Lytra, C Carrillo, R Capilla, U Zdun - Computing, 2020 - Springer
Over the past 10 years software architecture has been perceived as the result of a set of
architecture design decisions rather than the elements that form part of the software design …

Multi-objective software performance optimisation at the architecture level using randomised search rules

Y Ni, X Du, P Ye, LL Minku, X Yao, M Harman… - Information and Software …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Architecture-based software performance optimisation can help to find potential
performance problems and mitigate their negative effects at an early stage. To automate this …

eQual: informing early design decisions

A Shahbazian, S Karthik, Y Brun… - Proceedings of the 28th …, 2020 -
When designing a software system, architects make a series of design decisions that directly
impact the system's quality. The number of available design alternatives grows rapidly with …

A conceptual framework for uncertainty in software systems and its application to software architectures

C Lupafya - 2023 - …
The development and operation of a software system involve many aspects including
processes, artefacts, infrastructure and environments. Most of these aspects are vulnerable …

Towards Assessing Spread in Sets of Software Architecture Designs

V Cortellessa, JA Diaz-Pace, D Di Pompeo… - European Conference on …, 2023 - Springer
Several approaches have recently used automated techniques to generate architecture
design alternatives by means of optimization techniques. These approaches aim at …

A Quality-Driven Iterative Evolution Approach for Software Architecture

T Wang, B Li, L Zhu - International Journal of Software Engineering …, 2023 - World Scientific
The quality attributes of software architecture (SA) determine whether SA can be easily
understood, tested, modified and so on, so quality-driven architecture evolution is important …

Інформаційна веб система керування документами на підприємстві

КГ Сворінь - 2023 -
Анотація У цій роботі розроблена веб-системи керування документами зокрема
розроблено UML-діаграми. Здійснено програмну реалізацію та розроблено інтерфейс …

Reliability evaluation of software architectural styles based on correlated component failure

S Emadi - Scientia Iranica, 2022 -
The aim of this study is to provide an efficient and scalable way to evaluate the reliability of
different‎ software ar-chitectural styles with regard to correlated components failures. In this …

Optimal Software Architecture From Initial Requirements: An End-to-End Approach

OT Erlich, DH Lorenz - arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.15533, 2020 -
A software architect turns system requirements into a suitable software architecture through
an architecture optimization process. However, how should the architect decide which …